2014 Food policy Other Health-related issues

Committee on the Rights of the Child, Recommendation for India, par. 64 (c) and (d) (2014)

Text of the recommendation

64. In the light of its general comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, the Committee recommends that the State party: (c) Ensure the effective implementation of the National Food Security Act, 2013, which contains provisions aimed at combating children’s undernourishment; (d) Enhance efforts to promote exclusive breastfeeding practices, including breastfeeding from birth, complementary feeding strategies, with or without provision of food supplements, as well as micronutrient interventions for mothers; ensure the effective implementation of, and compliance with, the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (WHO, 1981); put in place a monitoring and reporting system to identify violations of the Code and take stringent measures in all situations of violations of the Code, which include the promotion and distribution of infant formula samples and promotional materials by private-sector companies involved in the marketing and distribution of infant formula.


Committee on the Rights of the Child, Concluding observations on the combined third and fourth periodic reports of India, CRC/C/IND/CO/3-4 (2014). Par. 64.(c) (d). Available at: https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CRC%2FC%2FIND%2FCO%2F3-4&Lang=en