2013 Food policy

Committee on the Rights of the Child, General Recommendation #15, par. 47 (2013)

Text of the recommendation

47. States should also address obesity in children, as it is associated with hypertension, early markers of cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, psychological effects, a higher likelihood of adult obesity, and premature death. Children’s exposure to “fast foods” that are high in fat, sugar or salt, energy-dense and micronutrient-poor, and drinks containing high levels of caffeine or other potentially harmful substances should be limited. The marketing of these substances – especially when such marketing is focused on children – should be regulated and their availability in schools and other places controlled.


Committee on the Rights of the Child, General comment No. 15 - on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health (art. 24), CRC/C/GC/15, (2013). Par. 47. Available at: https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CRC%2fC%2fGC%2f15&Lang=en