2019 Tobacco control

Committee on the Rights of the Child, Recommendation for Cabo Verde, par. 82 (2019)

Text of the recommendation

82. Recalling its general comment No. 17 (2013) on the right of the child to rest, leisure, play, recreational activities, cultural life and the arts, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to provide children with safe, accessible, inclusive and smoke-free spaces for play and socialization at the community level.


Committee on the Rights of the Child, Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 44 of the Convention, CRC/C/CPV/CO/2 (2019). Par. 82. Available at: https://docstore.ohchr.org/SelfServices/FilesHandler.ashx?enc=6QkG1d%2FPPRiCAqhKb7yhsnTVcCSPQ%2BSAC9fggurxV%2FQgZdgujhmn2wgt8wLsiZ6U4EUYZnSOtOoPhmfgtpjmMN2EveL1XTNLnmVo6UX%2FbiARNBg44HCge6nyuah3kCK%2B