2007 Tobacco control Other Health-related issues

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Recommendation for Kazakhstan, par. 51 and 52 (a) (2010)

Text of the recommendation

51. The Committee notes that some efforts are being undertaken to promote healthy lifestyles through the “Youth well-being” programme. However, the Committee remains concerned at the high incidence of drug abuse and the widespread alcoholism and tobacco use. (...)

52. The Committee recommends that the State party: (a) Take all necessary measures to fight substance abuse, and strengthen the programme of health education in schools.


Committee on the Rights of the Child,CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS SUBMITTED BY STATES PARTIES UNDER ARTICLE 44 OF THE CONVENTION, CRC/C/KAZ/CO/3 (2007). Par. 51 and 52 (a). Available at: https://docstore.ohchr.org/SelfServices/FilesHandler.ashx?enc=6QkG1d%2FPPRiCAqhKb7yhsjV2jkLOVHB6lp%2F7QQg8qH7OhfdpaCbLyHEPlAr6gqJiTIunCTSdIN9qGJhWtxWk1Pm7KDcH%2B1ZA8owE1GoyqWFUvhcRMSPj%2BaCeKRkVOfqH