47. The Committee urges the State party to... (e) Further the development of public water supply and sanitation systems and provide access to those systems at an affordable price in order to reduce the prevalence of parasitic and infectious diseases.
Year | 2016 |
Topic | Food policy |
Document Type | Country Recommendations |
Country | France |
Policy Area | Access to water |
Human Rights Comiteee | CESCR |
Human Rights | Right to health Right to water Right to adequate standard of living |
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Concluding observations on the fifth periodic report of France, E/C.12/FRA/CO/4 (2016). Par. 47 (e). Available at: https://docstore.ohchr.org/SelfServices/FilesHandler.ashx?enc=4slQ6QSmlBEDzFEovLCuW2fDOv8b0fr6d%2FTw%2FoqOULMUOETL30q%2Fb9oDx%2BHhgqoHxLzgUUEpsguqEKUxCV79FRYfRo%2FUs6LSu%2B7pwGvd7HyHc9ZyCHyczrQGBpV7SagM