2019 Food policy Other Health-related issues

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, par. 55 (2019)

Text of the recommendation

5. Globally, hunger has risen since 2015 affecting more than 820 million people. Adult obesity rates have increased each year and fewer than 5 per cent of countries are on track to meet goals to address childhood obesity. Hidden hunger, or micronutrient deficiencies, affects millions of people, including the 151 million children under 5 who experienced stunted growth in 2017. Conflicts and climate change-induced weather events further intensify human suffering, create unprecedented displacement and cause rapid deterioration of land and water ecosystems. These drivers impede sustainable development efforts and exacerbate inequality.


Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Interim report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, A/74/164, (2019). Par. 5. Available at: https://undocs.org/A/74/164