19. Beyond the health sector, corrupt practices that have a direct impact on the right to health have occurred in other private sector companies, including private water companies, tobacco manufacturers, food and beverage manufacturers, car manufacturers and the natural resources extraction industry. Such practices include, for example, bribery of public officials and the manipulation of scientific research practices. In his previous reports, the Special Rapporteur has highlighted how power asymmetries have given rise to the widespread prioritizing of specialized medicine over primary care and public health interventions, including poverty reduction, labour conditions and early childhood services (see A/HRC/35/21, paras. 21 26). Such asymmetries generate preferences for physical health care over mental health care; biomedical interventions over non biomedical interventions; the prioritization of certain disciplines that promote expensive biomedical technologies over social sciences in public health research agendas; and limited space for civil society participation in health policymaking.
Year | 2017 |
Topic | Food policy Tobacco control Other Health-related issues |
Document Type | Special Reports |
Country | N/A |
Policy Area | Industry interference Environment and health |
Human Rights | Right to health Business and human rights |
Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, Interim Report on the Right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, A/72/137, (2017). Par. 19. Available at: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N17/214/96/PDF/N1721496.pdf?OpenElement