2021 Other Health-related issues

Committee on the Rights of the Child, General Recommendation #25 par. 37 (2021)

Text of the recommendation

37. States parties have a duty to protect children from infringements of their rights by business enterprises, including the right to be protected from all forms of violence in the digital environment. Although businesses may not be directly involved in perpetrating harmful acts, they can cause or contribute to violations of children’s right to freedom from violence, including through the design and operation of digital services. States parties should put in place, monitor and enforce laws and regulations aimed at preventing violations of the right to protection from violence, as well as those aimed at investigating, adjudicating on and redressing violations as they occur in relation to the digital environment.

Year 2021
Topic Other Health-related issues
Document Type General Recommendations
Country N/A
Policy Area N/A
Human Rights Comiteee CRC
Human Rights Right to life Right to adequate standard of living
Groups Affected Children and adolescents


Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General comment No. 25 (2021) - on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment, CRC/C/GC/25, (2021), Par. 36. Available at: https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CRC/C/GC/25&Lang=en