2009 Food policy Other Health-related issues

Committee on the Rights of the Child, General Recommendation #11, par. 25 (2009)

Text of the recommendation

25. The Committee, through its extensive review of State party reports, notes that indigenous children are among those children who require positive measures in order to eliminate conditions that cause discrimination and to ensure their enjoyment of the rights of the Convention on equal level with other children. In particular, States parties are urged to consider the application of special measures in order to ensure that indigenous children have access to culturally appropriate services in the areas of health, nutrition, education, recreation and sports, social services, housing, sanitation and juvenile justice.


Committee on the Rights of the Child, General comment No. 11 - Indigenous children and their rights under the Convention, CRC/C/GC/11, (2009). Par. 25. Available at: http://docstore.ohchr.org/SelfServices/FilesHandler.ashx?enc=6QkG1d%2fPPRiCAqhKb7yhsqIkirKQZLK2M58RF%2f5F0vHfIzasSO0EEdqdWmq9j7BREhPNv8rsqw5s1P9yZnbT0%2bVCtG7gTjfUoMHKWMhfZjxkzJvW8MwfhHmnb02XKphT