9. The Committee notes with deep concern the impact of the State party’s agriculture and trade policies, which promote the export of subsidized agricultural products to developing countries, on the enjoyment of the right to an adequate standard of living and particularly on the right to food in the receiving countries. The Committee urges the State party to fully apply a human rights-based approach to its international trade and agriculture policies, including by reviewing the impact of subsidies on the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights in importing countries. In this regard, the Committee draws the attention of the State party to the guidelines on international measures, actions and commitments as contained in the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Food (2004).
Year | 2011 |
Topic | Food policy |
Document Type | Country Recommendations |
Country | Germany |
Policy Area | Trade and investment |
Human Rights Comiteee | CESCR |
Human Rights | Right to adequate standard of living Right to adequate food and nutrition |
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Concluding observations on the combined seventh and eighth periodic reports of Germany, E/C.12/DEU/CO/5 (2011). Par. 9. Available at: https://docstore.ohchr.org/SelfServices/FilesHandler.ashx?enc=4slQ6QSmlBEDzFEovLCuWx2r5QgrDoHhDa4HdzLZSD3KE9bLBSltP1o8ztaOh8fQGHTxuqI88JRWeK8ErggF91fXIRFTm%2F2I2ewtHryEAdsb55AGPNn4ygX27svwadXT