2014 Food policy

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Recommendation for China, par. 29 (2014)

Text of the recommendation

29. The Committee is concerned about the situation of food insecurity in some of the poor rural areas, particularly in the western mountainous areas, and about the persistence of child malnutrition, mainly in rural areas and in the Tibet Autonomous Region. Despite the efforts made by the State party to strengthen food safety supervision, including through the adoption of the Food Safety Law, the Committee remains concerned about the shortcomings in the implementation of that Law (art. 11).

The Committee urges the State party to strengthen its efforts to protect the right to adequate food. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to address effectively the situation of food insecurity and child malnutrition in poor rural areas, particularly in the western mountainous areas and in the Tibet Autonomous Region. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to enforce the Food Safety Law effectively, to strengthen its efforts with regard to food safety supervision and to ensure the production, processing, distribution, marketing and consumption of safe food. The Committee draws the State party’s attention to its general comment No. 12 (1999) on the right to adequate food and to the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food (A/HRC/19/59/Add.1, paras. 40–46).


Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Concluding observations on the second periodic report of China, including Hong Kong, China, and Macao, China, E/C.12/CHN/CO/2 (2014). Par. 29. Available at: https://docstore.ohchr.org/SelfServices/FilesHandler.ashx?enc=4slQ6QSmlBEDzFEovLCuW%2BALqOml1btoJd4YxREVF2VW58oMDPLAMUILqfo6v%2B47B8DRJbTAIMbcvgyEKXPdGsEnfi5eWE%2BWbfziSl6SiVeI%2FJnjrlrdBib9a4aoakRm